Saturday, December 22, 2007

The best kind of procrastination, just in time for the holidays

So, me and the other guy, we're big prorcrastinators, mostly because nothing is really more important than watching "Soul Plane" in parts on Youtube.
This time, we put off the animation for something almost as important: an animation. More specifically, a holiday special, which we finished just in time for the holidays.
Honestly I don't feel like typing anymore so here it is. Bye.


Anonymous said...

leno? oh god, that is classy.

Anonymous said...

it's actually a uh... i dont know but it has something to do with the actual animation but i dont want to say too much.

Anonymous said...

In the actual animation they want to meet Jay Leno- OOPS!!11

Elena Steier said...

That's crazy, man. You spelled menorah wrong. How will anyone know what's being torched if you spell it wrong?

Other than that, fabulastic!

Anonymous said...

This animation gave me liver problems.

Anonymous said...

haha guyz you are just 2 funny. lol.

ur pasty chika,
P.S. LoL and #><##333<3

Anonymous said...

hahah funny yet cruel but still more funny lol

Anonymous said...